Get the right care for your health, right away. Get access to MedicoNow "now"

Empowering Health care Industry

ZeTechno's Inhouse product featuring all the requirements a telehealth product must contain.


Mediconow is a telehealth app which is developed to render services as consultation, make diagnoses, monitor the remote patient's condition, primary care providers or specialists have access to the audio or video chatting feature.
A Telehealth product built on Servicenow
Received an Honorable mention by ServiceNow
It is a Custom app

An Application which is accessible in all devices independent of platform. It is easily accessible, usable and visible in all the platforms and all different browsers.


An Application which is accessible in all devices independent of platform. It is easily accessible, usable and visible in all the platforms and all different browsers.

Key Features

What makes MedicoNow stand apart


Allows patients to schedule their appointment and specialists to manage their calendars.

Video Chat

The patient and Specialist can communicate over text and video chat.

Smart Monitoring

Optionally track the health of patient using smart devices.


Integrate with your tools with Web Services.


Generate and share prescriptions for each case or appointment.

Connect Now

Patients in immediate need can consult a specialist without an appointment.

User Experience

The application supports both authenticated and non-authenticated patients. Information such as
1. Knowledge articles
2. Physician details
3. Specialists availability
4. Primary care provider details
5. Fixing Appointment
6. Appointment tracking
can be easily accessed by doctors and patients.
User experience on mobile is extremely crisp and swift.
User experience on mobile is extremely crisp and swift.

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